Blog | Bienestar Integrado

¿Cuál es el mejor suplemento para bajar de peso y de grasa? (Spanish only)

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(Español) Esta es una de las preguntas más frecuentes… En el mercado existen varios suplementos que pueden ayudar a cumplir el objetivo.  Sin embargo,  es necesario hacer unos ajustes en el estilo de vida. Puntos importantes y sugerencias: Antes de comenzar a utilizar cualquier suplemento debe consultar su … Read more

Small changes that bring great benefits for the prostate

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When creating awareness to maintain a healthy body and avoid the risk of developing prostate cancer it is important to create good habits from an early age. There are different factors that influence the  body’s health, such as diet, emotional state, physical condition and the environment around you. … Read more

Disconnect to connect (only in Spanish)

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Hace poco leí en Tree Bits (web de tecnología y redes sociales) que Facebook e Instagram añadirán funciones que te indicarán el tiempo que lleves conectado en las redes sociales. Su fundador, Mark Zuckerberg, desea fomentar el “uso responsable” de las redes sociales y que tengamos conciencia del … Read more

Do you Know Your Strengths? (Spanish only)

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Dice un conocido refrán que el éxito se consigue desarrollando nuestras fortalezas en vez de intentar eliminar nuestras debilidades. Mi pregunta para ti es, ¿conoces tus fortalezas? Un ejercicio práctico que realizamos constantemente en las sesiones de coaching es pedirle al cliente que reflexione y comience a enumerar sus fortalezas. En … Read more

Finances Here and Now (In Spanish only)

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En la vida, desde el punto de vista financiero, experimentamos tres etapas (llamadas puentes) en las que tenemos diferentes expectativas y planes respecto al dinero. #1 Tiempo de Acumular, Adquirir y Cancelar (1-54 años)Este primer puente es donde aprovechamos nuestra edad productiva para educarnos, prepararnos para una carrera … Read more

Aprende a llevar una vida más saludable a través del “mindfulness” (in Spanish only)

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Irma Ruiz, quien se convirtió en toda una experta en la disciplina a sus 56 años, asegura que existen diversas prácticas para “cultivar el estado de ser”. La soledad es una de las quejas más comunes entre los adultos mayores, que no solo tiene implicaciones sociales, sino que … Read more

Mi Relación con el Presupuesto (only in Spanish)

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Te cuento un secreto…cuando comencé a interesarme en el tema de las finanzas, era un poco desorganizada con mis gastos. Sin embargo, todo lo que aprendía a través de libros, seminarios y mis conversaciones con profesionales, apuntaba a la importancia de tener un presupuesto…¡Si, el bendito presupuesto!Antes de … Read more

Presents with bitter taste

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Tomorrow the collective festivity #5 of 2017 is celebrated, in which money is the main character. This without counting birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, graduations, baptisms and other events that we celebrate individually.Tomorrow, many will be honoring biological or foster mothers through material gifts and no there is nothing wrong with … Read more

The Importance of Metrics

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Any time we set ourselves a goal, be it a business, professional, or personal goal, it is imperative that we have a plan, and that the plan has measurable milestones to help us determine the progress being made and make adjustments accordingly.In the world of websites there are … Read more

Bienestar Integrado’s Official Launch

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Bienestar Integrado (Integrated Holistic Wellness) officially launched its website, where professionals join to collaborate for the well-being of all. The announcement was made on Thursday, December 15th, at 7:00 p.m., in a cocktail held at the restaurant in the Jose A. “Tony” Santana building of the Universidad del … Read more

Do you want to look better?

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In my new book I will discuss experiences that have allowed me to grow, and the tools I have learned to look and feel better. Throughout the years I have realized that everything bad is good, and once I see and understand the lesson behind it, I have … Read more

How Does Stress Affect You?

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Stress can affect you in one or several of the following ways: Go through mood changes, including anger, depression, lack of sleep and energy Increase blood pressure, cholesterol and the risk of a heart attack Increase fat storage Have a tendency to muscle and joint pain Reduce bone … Read more

Wellness and Beauty

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Learning how to Lose Weight in a Healthy Manner, Increasing the Trust in Yourself Studies show that six out of every 10 adolescents are overweight or obese, increasing the risk of developing diabetes and other health problems.  Nevertheless, there are other problems, like metal/emotional well being, which these … Read more

What’s the Fuss with Non GMOs?

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A Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) also known as transgenic organism, involves the transfer of genes from the DNA of one species into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal. What is the problem?  GMOs are associated with conditions including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, faulty insulin regulation, and … Read more

Are you addicted?

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Most of us don’t know it, but we have an addiction, an addiction to sugar.  If you have to have something sweet every day, you are addicted.  Have you replaced sugar with honey, agave or Splenda?  Yes?  Then you still have an addiction.  Sugar and its substitutes, are related … Read more