Pranic Healing Archives | Bienestar Integrado
BHOY 10 – Baja tu estrés de manera natural con Tere Beard
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Aprende sobre el estrés emocional y físico, y diferentes métodos que existen para bajar el estrés y mejorar el sistema hormonal. Tere Beard nos habla de la Sanación Pránica, explica quienes se pueden beneficiar, sobre los aceites esenciales como remedios alternos sin efectos secundarios, y sobre su libro, Todo lo Malo es Bueno.… Read more

What is Energy Healing?
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Many of us have been hearing this term Energy Healing or Vibrational Medicine, but we don’t know quite right what it really is and how it works. Many of us also think that it is superstition or quackery, and do not pay much attention to it. Well my … Read more

Bienestar Integrado’s Official Launch
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Bienestar Integrado (Integrated Holistic Wellness) officially launched its website, where professionals join to collaborate for the well-being of all. The announcement was made on Thursday, December 15th, at 7:00 p.m., in a cocktail held at the restaurant in the Jose A. “Tony” Santana building of the Universidad del … Read more

What is Pranic Healing?
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Pranic Healing has been around for many years.  But what is it all about? Pranic Healing is a modality highly tested, that uses “prana” to balance, harmonize and transform the energy processes in the body.  “Prana” in Sanskrit means “life force” and can be obtained from the air, … Read more