My retirement gift was to attend Sedona’s trip. When my friend Janet told me about the trip I was attracted as it was going to be a journey of healing and spirituality, things I needed. I didn’t have time to search online what the trip was supposed to offer.
The process of spiritual and physical healing was growing in every meditation, yoga exercise, and visit to several vortexes. I congratulate you and thank the divinity for this gift. Ruth, you’re a great instructor and you’ve managed to blend everyone into the group.

Sandra I Díaz - San Juan PR

Sedona was a dream trip, full of adventure. Total connection with Mother Earth and its vibrant energy. Holistic practices in total balance between healthy body (yoga and healthy meals), mind (contemplative walks in nature and baths in the river) and spirit (energy of vortex and Vedic astrology). A pleasant stay. Great group camaraderie and every detail taken personal care of by our guide and mentor, Ms. RUTH FIGUEROA. A highly recommended experience that no one should miss.


Sonia Lanza - San Juan PR