Tere applied Pranic Healing to help me heal after a bicycle ride that lasted several hours. Not only did I feel immediate improvement, the time it took for me to recuperate completely was much less than usual.
Edmundo - Tucson, AZ
The first time I received Pranic Healing I did not have expectations, and I thought it was not going to work. I had been with a severe muscle spasm for a week, and I could not move my head, and even the most subtle moves were extremely painful. Even after visiting a chiropractor and a massage therapist, the spasm was still there. Even though I was in Miami and Tere in Puerto Rico, Tere did a Pranic Healing session that lasted approximately 20 minutes. Immediately after the session, even though the pain persisted, I was able to move my head, and even look towards the back, something that was completely impossible. During the next few days, the spam was completely gone, since the energy flow allowed my body to heal itself quicker. After this wonderful first experience with Pranic Healing, I have had five more sessions with Tere. For example, the sessions have helped me reduce stress, heal a sore throat in two days, after running a fever one night. Tere is spectacular and I recommend Pranic Healing to anyone!
Cristina - Miami, FL
Pranic Healing was a foreign concept to me when I was first introduced to it. Although foreign, I knew was definitely open to exploring it and receiving its benefits, if any. I was surprised to see the impact it had on my overall energy levels and emotional state. During moments of great anxiety and uncertainty within, I was able to experience a sense of peace and serenity following sessions of Pranic Healing and for days to come. I experienced these same sensations on various occasions where I sought Pranic Healing as a means to help my overall emotional state. It is difficult to put into words exactly the feelings I experienced when Pranic Healing was utilized to help me, I think it is something you have to experience on your own to grasp the full of effect of its influence on your energy levels and emotional shortcomings. I can humbly say I am grateful that I was open to Pranic Healing when I needed it the most.
Mary - Miami, FL
Tere is an incredible healer. She has the perfect combination, dealing with the mind and negative thinking, and cleansing your centres where your energy enters the body. This is something everyone must do.
Boni - San Juan, PR
I received Pranic Healing to decrease a muscular-skeletal pain I had in my neck and shoulder. It was the first time receiving it for this purpose, usually I get PH for emotional purpose. The pain was too strong and not much was helping. The pain was waking me up in early hours and regardless of the position I put my neck (laying down or sitting) the pain was so strong, tears were coming down my eyes. Being in California, I called Tere in Puerto Rico to see if she could help me. She immediately said yes. She started giving me PH and in a matter of minutes I felt so much better. The pain was still there, but the horrible pain was no longer there. Next day I had a massage and received another PH session. There was already a great improvement. I then went to my Chiropractor and received another PH session, and a few days later there was no pain whatsoever.
I would request this service again for sure. What a better way to be in harmony? The fact that Pranic Healing can help move the energy that is stuck in my body, seems very important. I would recommend it to everyone.
Stephanie - San Francisco, CA
I was feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious trying to balance my busy school schedule and my life outside. I do several things to relieve my stress, such as meditation, yoga, walks in nature, and receive body work, but there was something I was feeling that wasn’t being helped by the things that usually help. So I decided to try Pranic Healing, something I had never experienced before.
I was a little bit nervous not knowing what to expect, but once the session started I felt my body relax and I felt so much trust with Tere. Afterwards I felt peaceful and balanced and back in my body. It was a wonderful experience that I would recommend to other people.
Isabel - San Francisco, CA
Best Website, again!
This is the second time I use Moondog Design services to design and host a website. Edmundo has been available since the beginning to understand each website’s concept and convert these concepts into a website that exceeds my expectations. No only they become a functional website, Edmundo has integrated within the design, methods that help prospects find us easily. The integration with other social medias is great, I only post things once and all media sites are updated at once.
Tere - San Juan, PR
Every day I reaffirm that when we work in a relaxed state, manifesting our dreams, these materialize. I only have to trust, enjoy the process and don’t get hung up on results.
M. Torres - Puerto Rico
Following the methodology has given me wonderful and amazing results. I have learned to work with my mind to understand that what I think is not always the reality and that what I think is always the reality because it is all in my head and I can analyze what I think.
R. Rodriguez - Miami, FL
Thanks to Marisol and her suggestions, several changes were made in my apartment. As a result, prosperity is flowing in a wonderful way.
Prosperity Flows - San Juan, PR
Thanks Dr. Roman! A doctor has never invested so much time in my wellbeing and health education, the results are simply amazing. I was suffering from chronic pain, and my energy levels were extremely low. I love how I feel now (haven’t felt this good in years). Naturopathic medicine changed my life for the better! I can’t thank you enough.
J. Rosario - San Juan, PR
Hola. Llegué a la terapia de Reiki sintiéndome muy mal. Tenía ya casi más de 1 mes con un fuerte dolor de cabeza. Bien parecido a la migraña. Fui al médico y me recetaron medicamentos para la migraña y anti inflamatorios. Los tomé y no me hicieron nada. La molestia era tan grande q sentía latidos fuertes en el cerebro. En ocasiones llegué a vomitar sin razón alguna. Era algo bien fuerte. Tomé la decisión de ir a darme una terapia pq no podía seguir así. Fue lo mejor q hice. Cuando comenzaron con la Terapia de Reiki, primero me tuvo q dar un masaje pq tenía mucho estress, trabajaron con los meridianos y me tuvieron q dar una terapia de láser frío pq tenía una inflamación bien severa en el cerebro. Waoooo…. salí de allí sintiéndome muchísimo mejor. Me recomendaron unos relajante naturales y gracias a Dios y a las manos milagrosas de Brenda Morales sane todo mi dolor.! Y hasta ahora nunca más me ha vuelto ese dolor. Fue una experiencia expectacular.!! La Reiki Master Brenda Morales, la recomiendo al 100% ! Muchas gracias por esa experiencia tan buena.
Nydia - Toa Baja, PR.
Siempre agradecida a Brenda, que por medio de las terapias de Reiki pude manejar la enfermedad del cáncer de tiroides hace 4 años, Estas terapias me enseñaron a ver la enfermedad desde un punto de vista espiritual , aprendiendo a conocer mi cuerpo, manejar mis emociones y lo más importante aprender a valorar, amar y perdonar. Son muchos los cambios positivos que se logran através del Reiki, Lo recomiendo !
Magda Ivette - Guaynabo
We had a two day activity at the Pranic Healing Center, for 30 to 50 people. Two days before the activity we still did not have a vegetarian menu. Que Viva! not only responded in such a short notice, they brought a variety of delicious and nutritious foods for all three meals. Weeks later, they delighted us one more time, from the soup, to the salad, the dressing, the hot sauce and the main course. Thank you, Que Viva!
Marcos - Santurce, PR
My experience doing Yoga with Yesenia has allowed me to connect with personal issues I need to work on. Through the body and the postures I have become conscious of how to create balance between inhaling and exhaling, has allowed me to be conscious of the importance of receiving, not only giving. Feeling pain in some parts of my body has made me conscious of the lack of flexibility, not only of the physical body but of the mind as well. It is a new conscious of the body and this has brought well being, harmony and a feeling of being centered.
Belén - Bayamón, PR
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Cris - Bayamón, PR
La experiencia de constelar con la asistencia de Yesenia ha sido el paso inicial de un proceso que decidi emprender de sanación familiar. Constelar fue muy significativo para comprender la raíz de heridas y dinámicas familiares. El mismo dia de la constelación comencé a ver y sentir el movimiento de energía, muy positivo. Conciente de que es un trabajo constante me da una inmensa tranquilidad contar con Yesenia como recurso.
Carla - San Juan
As a technology challenged person, I needed help with my website design… Thank God I was recommended MoonDog!!! Edmundo is such a knowledgeable person in this area; his patience and thoughtful recommendations made this process very easy for me! He is not just a great web designer, but also a great professional! I would happily recommend this company to anyone who would like to receive services above and beyond their needs!
Marielza H. - San Juan, PR
Valuable and revealing information that empowers me to live in the present in the way of being.
In only a few hours, I discovered (and on occasion I rediscovered) the abilities that I posses that allow me to be more present with peace and harmony. The feelings experienced that day were unique and unforgettable. Thank you!
Participant 2
This workshop was offered with a genuine intention. It is clear that [Irma] delivers this workshop with love and that is the reason for the benefit for all because it is authentic and comes from the heart.
Right on target! The custom designed program adapted to our team in the best way possible. Through simple and tangible practices we learned not just to manage stress, but also to “dig in” with the purpose of focusing better, therefore sharpening our skills and being more aware and more conscious. We were given great “tools” to respond with better efficiency to our daily demands, both professional and personal.
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Lina Toledo Kitsos, CEO - San Juan, PR
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Nomara Rivera Aponte - San Juan, PR
The Chart with Pendulum workshop was revealing for me, and using the Young Living essential oils provoked my body to feel better. Thanks for transmitting your knowledge with the love that irradiates from your body. Blessings!
Zenaida - Río Piedras, PR
This was my first experience with Pranic Healing. My ailments were emotional. Those overwhelming emotions you feel when your heart is broken. Tere explained in detail what she was going to do and its purpose. Very quickly I felt relieved, like if weight was removed off my shoulders. Even my breathing was flowing better, more relaxed. This feeling allowed me be at peace with myself and with the events from the past. In addition it allowed me to see more clearly what had happened. Excellent experience and totally unexpected. I recommend it!
Aurora - Caguas, PR
Thank you Yesenia, this is the second time I take the Healing Chart workshop and I found new things to support my healing and spiritual evolution processes. I want more…when is the next one?
Aixa - Guaynabo, PR
I had Tere give me a healing session over the phone after I had been suffering from adrenal fatigue, thyroid dysfunction, and an underlying infection. The following day I woke up feeling the best I had felt in about a month! I was very surprised at how much energy I had and how good I was feeling. I was not completely better but noticed so much improvement after just one session. Being a chiropractor, I see the value in all different types of healing modalities. I would highly recommend her services to anyone. Thanks Tere for the great work!
Matt - Nebraska, USA
Thanks Yesenia, for facilitating this experience of self-knowledge and spiritual growth. For me it was an opportunity to pursue those topics without pressure, flowing, lovingly and without being criticized.
Magali - San Juan, PR
Gracias a Yesenia por compartir tus conocimientos y ofrecernos una hermosa tarde de pura conexión Divina. A mí me encantó. Aprendí y conecté de forma extraordinaria. Tu presentación fue súper colorida e interesante. Me encantó y si hay más me apunto. Namaste!
Thanks to Yesenia for sharing your knowledge and offering a beautiful afternoon of pure Divine connection. I loved it. I learned and connected in an extraordinary way. Your presentation was super colorful and interesting. I loved it and if there is more, count me in. Namaste!
Sonia - San Juan, PR
Good vibes, place of peace and blessing. I wanted to tell you that today I grew much more. I shed so much and thank you for not having created expectations of what I would find there. I have one more tool to help in my life and of others. I had never been able to connect with my inner self in this way and so fast. Today I could see me beyond, where I deserve to be. Thank you, Yesenia, for the opportunity and this portal of light into our lives.
Jessica - San Juan, PR
After 9 months of treatment in this clinic. Dr. Bigas fixed the back pain I had for three years, due to doing the wrong movements while working in construction for several years. I highly recommend this place.
Jose Miguel - San Juan, PR
Mental and physical training is full of challenges which not only benefits our health but our minds. It is very important to follow our trainer’s instructions. This person becomes our best friend who we inform our body’s changes and what we want to achieve. With Lirayma’s help I have been able to achieve many goals. I know I will reach many more.
Denisse - Las Piedras, PR
Lirayma’s energy is amazing. She is innovative in her routines and always programs different sequences. She motivates you a lot. In addition,she incorporates tasks that will help you with your emotional side. She is a great trainer and friend.
Elisa - Gurabo, Puerto Rico
With Lirayma’s support I got much more energy, reaching my goals. It was super, day by day, each of her teachings and positive messages. Success!!!Con su apoyo obtuve muchos más energía, logrando alcanzar mis metas. Fue súper día a día cada enseñanza y mensajes positivos. Éxito!!!
Magda - Gurabo, PR
I needed to lose a few pounds and decided to contact Lirayma. It has been the best decision I have taken, she is a professional at what she does. If you want a change, you cannot be in better hands. I invite you to try it, because in addition to the physical change, you will obtain her support for your general well-being. Necesitaba bajar unas libritas de más y decido contactarla. Ha sido la mejor desicion que he tomado y es una profesional en lo que hace. Si deseas un cambio en mejores manos no puedes estar. Les invito a que lo intenten porque ademas de un cambio fisico encuentras apoyo para tu bienestar completo.
Wilnelia - Juncos, PR
I have been training with Lirayma for several years and I love her professionalism and work ethics. She keeps it interesting and genuinely worries about her clients, providing constant support and motivation. She is very creative, always planning extracurricular activities and challenges. Recommended 200%!He estado entrenando con Lirayma por varios años y me encanta su profesionalismo y ética de trabajo. Siempre mantiene las cosas interesante y se preocupa genuinamente por sus clientes proveyendo constante apoyo y motivación. Es muy creativa y emprendedora planificando siempre actividades extracurriculares y retos, entre otras. Recomendada 200%!
TAG - Caguas, PR
The Montessori School of P.R. is the school we chose for our daughter’s education. We knew from the beginning that it was an open school and different. My daughter had the best education in this country, where her self-esteem strengthened, and she was able to develop her intellect and responsibility. It also clinched her values as part of the planet. Graduated with high honors and now is studying what she always dreamed of, at the University she wished to study at. We are grateful of her performance and development as a human being of peace.
Sheila - San Juan, PR
The educational program of the C.M.P.R. causes a cognitive, emotional and social level growth in those students who attend. It is a school that changes the way of linking the ideas and thoughts of those who are educated there. I was a student at C.M.P.R. and now I understand that I had an advanced, progressive, and reaffirming education. I can say with pride that my education was not overwhelming. It was the place that taught me to exchange ideas and opinions, be myself and grow. Certainly comprehensive education from my childhood all the way through high school.El programa educativo del C.M.P.R. provoca un crecimiento a nivel cognitivo, emocional y social en los estudiantes que toca. Es un colegio que cambia la forma de enlazar las ideas y pensamientos de los seres que se educan ahí. Yo fui estudiante del Colegio y hoy en día entiendo que tuve una educación de avanzada, progresista y reafirmadora. Mi educación, puedo decir con orgullo, no fue bancaria ni fue aplastante hacia mi persona. Fue el lugar que me enseñó a intercambiar ideas y opiniones, a ser yo misma y a crecer. Una educación sin duda integral desde mi Infancia hasta escuela Superior.
Marie - San Juan, PR
I have been a client of Mariely Sylvette during this year of her career services. She has excelled my standards, not only she has demonstrated her mastery in the career field, but, she has added a tremendous value to my professional career. It feels so good when you found an expert like her, who understand your needs and deliver an outstanding job.
Juan González, MBA - PR
I am writing to let you know that all of the goals I had, that I saw impossible at the time I took your workshop, I fulfilled them all. This workshop helped me so much and I thank you a thousand times! I don’t know if you remember that on my goal list I had, 1. Have my own company 2. Make so much money with my company that I could help my family 3. Be a makeup artist 4. Buy a Louis Vuitton briefcase I have been wishing for since 2012. I fulfilled all my goals and I honestly feel that the workshop helped me. Even though it has been two years since the workshop, all knowledge is fresh in my mind. I wish you a lot of success and thanks again.
V.A. Vázquez - Florida

Mariely has provided with a great deal of Social Media knowledge, particularly with LinkedIn, where her expertise has helped many people improve their personal and business profile pages. I have reached Mariely on many occasions for her unbiased feedback on marketing content and executions.
Miguel Martínez - PR

Recently, I registered in the course, Optimize your LinkedIn, given by Mariely and I was very satisfied. I’m still in the process of making the improvements and I’m getting very good results. Mariely is accessible and has complete knowledge of the subject. I recommend her as an expert on this topic.
Carmen Figueroa Cátala - San Juan, PR

From the intimacy of her heart, the author of “Todo lo Malo es Bueno”, shares in a simple language the evolution to the good of the “bad” in her life. Entertaining reading and reflections direct the reader’s thinking to introspection. Excellent!
Jackie Pérez - San Juan, PR
It has been a wonderful experience to converse, share and work aspects of my health with this wonderful human being. Tere is a specialist of various aspects of nutrition, exercise, healthy living. I learned a lot in the long and pleasant conversations that we held, and I continue to consult for other issues that arise along the way. Tere continues to innovate in new fields, stay tuned for the new Tere Beard. Success
Enrique - San Juan, PR
Our experience with the Sexologist and Couples Coach Julianna Elizondo was surprisingly satisfying, especially for me since I was not very convinced of wanting to talk to anyone about my sexual problems, but my wife insisted and in the end we went. Not only did we find the formula to communicate better, but Tati managed to relax more at the time of sex and that made us enjoy it more. For my part, I stopped assuming things about our sexuality and began to listen more to my wife’s body. We both feel more committed to our marriage and our sexuality and we are definitely much more satisfied with it. We recommend it to 100 and we always appreciate your follow-up calls. We always tell her that she is already part of the family.
Tati y Arturo - San Juan, PR
When we decided that we needed help, it was because although we had a relationship for more than 3 years, Catalina’s parents did not know that she was gay or that we were a couple. She did not want to tell him for fear of the special reaction of the mother, and I did not want to hide anymore. That was bringing us many problems and we were already not wanted to be together intimately. We met the Couples Coach and Sexologist, Julianna, in an empowerment workshop and we loved the way she dealt with issues that even for oneself are difficult to address at times. We approached her, we were in 6 sessions where the individual empowerment of Catalina and mine was the main thing. We realized that the problem was not only what we thought the mother or Catherine’s father would say when they found out we were a couple, it was also how we looked at ourselves, what made us not want to face that communication. It was amazing to see that when we were honest with ourselves, even our sexuality changed and now our intimacy feels more honest too. We liked the process very much and our coach Julianna was excellent. We recommend it always.
Rocío y Catalina - Miami, FL
I had the opportunity and the joy of being able to cross with Julianna Elizondo in Puerto Rico. My partner and I had been very distant for a long time and we were looking for help to save our relationship.
We did individual sessions and as a couple with Julianna.
At first I felt uncomfortable with the idea because it was difficult to recognize and process various details of my behavior that were not positively contributing. However, Julianna put things in perspective in a very easy way to understand, which greatly encouraged me to move forward.
My boyfriend and I walked this stage together, expanding the communication, supporting each other with compassion to understand that we need each other to enter into full harmony. Everything was improving and our sexuality was balanced by an organic and above all fun and flirtatious.
Today we are very happy, continue with our commitment to make a life together, and we are enjoying it to its fullest.
If you need to revisit your relationship to refine details of it, I recommend Julianna and you will see that everything will change for the better.
Laura - San Juan, PR
One day I decided that I no longer wanted to live with joint pain that started to limit me to my 44 years since I do not like medications, I decided to test if my healing could be in the bioneuroemoción. The result was wonderful, I not only understand the reaction of my body to situations that I could not handle at the time but I could learn to keep it from evolving! Today I am experiencing great evolutions and a lot of energy, my pains are diminishing noticeably every day since my recent interior work. This is a wonderful and healing tool that we should all be able to experience to heal our soul wounds and transform them into enriching experiences. Infinitively grateful of Belen Canteli.
MA - Puerto Rico
Thank you Tere Beard, for sharing with the administrative personnel of the Treasury Department and orienting us in a pleasant way on reducing stress and working with changes and negativity. We were shocked by the exercises, that we will continue to use to achieve our goals. Success!!
Sandra Suarez - San Juan PR
In a difficult moment I slipped into despair. My thoughts and emotions got out of control. I didn’t understand why things had happened the way they did.
Sharing and expressing myself with Millie was to find a friendly voice – full of understanding and empathy. I was able to identify the moments they left footprints, so I could face them.
The way I got to see the situations were replaced by Millie’s touch, someone with great optimism and love. I was able to see the whys. I believed in me and I thank Milagros Santos-Díaz for believing in me from the beginning.
MC - Puerto Rico
For a few years I had been feeling a discomfort in my left breast every time I was about to get my period. It was not serious, but it made me feel uncomfortable and worried. I have always believed that our emotions and thoughts can affect our health. That’s why I decided to try Bioneuroemotion method that Belén Canteli suggested. By finding the root of the problem and working on it, my discomfort has disappeared. I appreciate having done this work and I recommend it.
PR - Puerto Rico
Having Milagros as a coach has helped me incredibly. Not only has she taught me to see my mistakes, but to accept them and not to worry, instead to do something about it. Milagros has given me confidence, love, respect, security and honesty. One can tell she lives what she teaches, something very difficult to find. I can easily say that I have never had an unconditional support like that of Milagros. She never forces you to make a decision, nor does pushes you to do something you don’t want. She gives you options but does not assume, because she knows that we ourselves have the answer.
CS - Puerto Rico
We had the opportunity of participating, as a couple, in Disciplina Positiva Connection’s workshop. We acquired new knowledge, skills and tools. It was such a success, we recommend all to participate of future events. Blessings to Moni and Ivonne, today’s resources.
Mireysa Santiago - San Juan PR
Ivonne is excellent! Her workshops allow you to look within those wishes and fears that make you the person that you are and how you treat others, either children, relatives, spouse, friends, etc… Ivonne gave the workshop to a group of parents and youth leaders, which I had the honor of assisting and I recommend 100%. Nobody is perfect and we need good tools to lead better with life’s circumstances. Disciplina Positiva is a valuable tool.
Jessy de León - San Juan PR
Two days of workshop! What a wonderful experience! An extremely enriching experience that exceeded my expectations. I take from this workshop a load of tools very useful to apply positive discipline with my children and in school. I highly recommend Disciplina Positiva’s workshops. Until next time!
Aila Cintrón - San Juan PR
Excellent very good tools and very practical at the time of teaching and interacting with our children.
Johana Carrasquel - San Juan PR

I describe the methodology of Coaching by Values, with Misael Pérez, with three words: useful, friendly and effective. I am very thankful because I have a functional tool for my life, for my profession and to impact lives. Give yourself a chance.
Yizette Cifredo - San Juan PR

Misael Pérez is innovative, different and uses empirical evidence practices that positively reinforce how to generate a goal plan.
Nilsa Camareno - San Juan PR

The methodology of Coaching by Values allows you to work with all kinds of population in different scenarios. It is beneficial for my life and that way I can connect with others effectively.
Omayra Torres - San Juan PR

I definitely recommend it! It is an easy-to-use tool that allows you to make great and deep discoveries to apply both in the day to day and in the project and the plan that you have proposed to generate achievements and Goals. Excellent!
Gio Robles - San Juan PR

I recommend it for children, teenagers, families and work teams, among others. Simply invites you to reflect on how you want to live your life.
Lymari Díaz - San Juan PR

It’s definitely an experience that will order your life. Many times we dream and we only need to discover how to achieve it. It is an experience that one should experience.
Marisel Lebrón - San Juan PR

I recommend it for counselors, psychologists and health professionals.
Edu Emilia Sáez - San Juan PR
El Dr. Roman me enseno verdadero interes por mi bienestar aparte de los metodos tradicionales chinos utilizados, que los altamente recomiendo, En mi caso, dolor cronico del cuello e hombros por desgaste de las cervicales. Gracias Dr. por su excelente labor.
Judith - San Juan PR
My retirement gift was to attend Sedona’s trip. When my friend Janet told me about the trip I was attracted as it was going to be a journey of healing and spirituality, things I needed. I didn’t have time to search online what the trip was supposed to offer.
The process of spiritual and physical healing was growing in every meditation, yoga exercise, and visit to several vortexes. I congratulate you and thank the divinity for this gift. Ruth, you’re a great instructor and you’ve managed to blend everyone into the group.
Sandra I Díaz - San Juan PR
Sedona was a dream trip, full of adventure. Total connection with Mother Earth and its vibrant energy. Holistic practices in total balance between healthy body (yoga and healthy meals), mind (contemplative walks in nature and baths in the river) and spirit (energy of vortex and Vedic astrology). A pleasant stay. Great group camaraderie and every detail taken personal care of by our guide and mentor, Ms. RUTH FIGUEROA. A highly recommended experience that no one should miss.
Sonia Lanza - San Juan PR