The educational program of the C.M.P.R. causes a cognitive, emotional and social level growth in those students who attend. It is a school that changes the way of linking the ideas and thoughts of those who are educated there. I was a student at C.M.P.R. and now I understand that I had an advanced, progressive, and reaffirming education. I can say with pride that my education was not overwhelming. It was the place that taught me to exchange ideas and opinions, be myself and grow. Certainly comprehensive education from my childhood all the way through high school.El programa educativo del C.M.P.R. provoca un crecimiento a nivel cognitivo, emocional y social en los estudiantes que toca. Es un colegio que cambia la forma de enlazar las ideas y pensamientos de los seres que se educan ahí. Yo fui estudiante del Colegio y hoy en día entiendo que tuve una educación de avanzada, progresista y reafirmadora. Mi educación, puedo decir con orgullo, no fue bancaria ni fue aplastante hacia mi persona. Fue el lugar que me enseñó a intercambiar ideas y opiniones, a ser yo misma y a crecer. Una educación sin duda integral desde mi Infancia hasta escuela Superior.
Marie - San Juan, PR
The Montessori School of P.R. is the school we chose for our daughter’s education. We knew from the beginning that it was an open school and different. My daughter had the best education in this country, where her self-esteem strengthened, and she was able to develop her intellect and responsibility. It also clinched her values as part of the planet. Graduated with high honors and now is studying what she always dreamed of, at the University she wished to study at. We are grateful of her performance and development as a human being of peace.
Sheila - San Juan, PR